Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Impact of Recycling a Paper

There are so many kinds of papers existing in our world these days which are being utilized by various types of industries and establishments. Papers are most commonly made out from trees but once a tree is being cut which will be used in processing a paper, a new one will be planted to replace its lost. Papers are easily recycled but the procedure necessitates at least half of the total energy being utilized in producing a new paper.

Majority of the papers being recycled include white paper, newspaper, and magazines. Other paper materials which are covered with aluminum or plastic do not qualify to be recycled because the processing cost is really expensive.

Recycling a paper poses a great impact to our modern world especially to our environment. Even though trees are cut or jeopardized in order for the paper to be made, these are being replaced by planting another tree on that same spot or some other areas. Other impact from recycling a paper is that there will be decreased number of waste to land because these papers are biodegradable. Also, another benefit of recycling a paper is that it provides decreased pollution in the air. The society that you are living in can also benefit from recycling a paper because your community can gain profits out from this kind of procedure, thus, increasing the business industry of your place. Moreover, you will be refraining from the carbon emissions caused by transferring new paper from the forest to the factory of the paper printer.

Recycling a paper not only serve good to the environment because there are still some flaws that occur with this procedure. It may be healthy to the air when recycling a paper but it still uses some chemicals for bleaching the paper to make it whiter. These chemical pollutants may cause harm to human health so you still need to be cautious about it. Another is that some of the recycled products may just go to waste especially when these are not processed with good quality, thus, it will just add more to the waste products that need to be discarded.

Recycling a paper has great significance to you or towards the environment either negatively or positively. You just need to check for yourself the pros and cons and decide which you think is better. It is a source for an issue to arise since not everyone has the same opinion regarding the recycling process. Stick to what you believe and always bear in mind that whatever your decision will be, always choose the one that offers greatest benefits for man and the environment.

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